10 Things You Didn’t Know about doing Business in the ‘Burg

1. No Longer ‘God’s Waiting Room’ Since 1970, the median age in St. Pete has decreased 3.3 years, while the U.S.’s median age has increased by 9.9 years. St. Pete …

Science, innovation create jobs, help shape future of St. Pete

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital/ Allyn DiVito 83 Degrees Media By: Janan Talafer It isn’t easy for Tampa Bay Area experts to explain to non-experts what they do every day …

St. Pete EDC Partners with Ocean Team to host Marine Science Roundtable

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.– (August 22, 2018)- The St. Petersburg Area Economic Development Corporation (EDC) hosted its first Marine Science roundtable to better understand the industry and identify areas where the EDC and …

Beyond Downtown: St. Pete’s Innovative Districts

Published: April 24, 2018By: Janan Talafer, 83 Degrees MediaClustered around St. Petersburg’s Bayboro Harbor waterfront is one of the largest concentrations of marine research and regulatory organizations in the country.SRI …