

CareerSource Pinellas

CareerSource Pinellas offers a full range of career planning services for professional and entry level candidates, including career orientation; resource centers that assist in the candidate’s job search; career fairs; interviewing techniques; labor market information specific to occupations and industries in demand as well as resume building tips, salary and wage information and more; and professional networking.

Training & Development


CareerSource Pinellas’ On-the-Job Training program helps businesses save money while training promising new hires!

Training program benefits include:
— 50% of wages paid over a training period
— Employer makes all the hiring decisions
— Recruitment & job posting services
— Assistance with candidate pre-screening
— CareerSource Pinellas staff completes all the paperwork
— All resources and services are NO COST!



Contact Information:
(727) 524-4344

On-the-Job Training (Young Adults)

Through On-the-Job Training (Young Adults), CareerSource Pinellas helps businesses save money while young talents are able to get the job-related training they need to succeed.
Training program benefits include:
— 100% of wages paid over a training period
— Employer makes all the hiring decisions
— Recruitment & job posting services
— Assistance with candidate pre-screening
— CareerSource Pinellas staff completes all the paperwork
— All resources and services are NO COST!


On-the-Job Training (Young Adults)

Contact Information:
(727) 524-4344

Core Services: Skills & Training

CareerSource Pinellas’ Employability Skills Training Sessions cover topics like resumes and basic computers and are held every week at our CareerSource Pinellas centers at no cost to you. Employability Skills Training courses include: 
—Resume Development I & II
—Basic Computer Skills
—Professional Interviewing
—EFM & RA Orientation
—Employment Success
—Social Media


CareerSource Pinellas

Quick Response Training (QRT):

Quick Response Training is an employer-driven training program designed to assist new value-added businesses and provide existing Florida businesses the necessary training for expansion. A state educational facility – community college, area technical center, school district or university – is available to assist with application and program development or delivery. The educational facility will also serve as fiscal agent for the project. The company may use in-house training, outside vendor training programs or the local educational entity to provide training.



Contact Information:

CareerSource Florida

Incumbent Worker Training Program (IWT):

Incumbent Worker Training is a program that provides training to currently employed workers to keep Florida’s workforce competitive in a global economy and to retain existing businesses. The program is available to all Florida businesses that have been in operation for at least one year prior to application and require skills upgrade training for existing employees. Priority is given to businesses in targeted industries, HUB Zones, Inner City Distressed areas, Rural Counties and areas, and Brownfield areas.



Contact Information:

CareerSource Florida